Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Personal Goals for Dynamics of Early Childhood Policies and Systems Course

I have to confess that it was certainly a challenge to chose just three goals for this class.  As a second grade teacher in a public school, the emphasis of my role is facilitating student learning.  This is where all my efforts are channeled.  I am fortunate in that I work for a district with a highly competent principal.  She takes care of all policy needs and even writes grants for us in order to fulfill our wishes for classroom teaching aids such as Chromebooks, Smartboards, and an aquarium.  Yes, even an aquarium!  As a result, this class is all new information for me and is shaping a whole new way of looking at education and how it is intertwined with other disciplines, as well as public policy.

In narrowing my goals down to three, I would begin with developing a stronger sense of political structures and how to utilize those structures to procure more services for families.  I have a strong sense of advocacy for children and their families, and other than discussing issues with my local state representatives, I have not participated in the process of fighting for policy changes.  For example, due to recent research development on the developing brain, I understand that the most critical period in every person's life is from pre-birth to three.  It is certainly a reflection of our values as a nation that we do not provide childcare or parenting development classes universally free of cost to this segment of the population.  I believe we are failing the potential progress of our society as a whole through lack of action in this arena.  When children from birth to three thrive, we will all benefit.  It is these generations who will take care of us when we retire.  By investing in them, we are investing in ourselves, our descendants, and the health of our future society.  Thus, I indeed would like to learn more about political structures in order that I can advocate for these beliefs.

Secondly, I would like to explore public policy more in depth.  For the same reasons as described above.  With a deeper understanding of the inner workings of public policy, I can more effectively advocate for policy change.
Image result for advocacy
Lastly, in pursuit of these goals, it would be advantageous for me to expand my understanding of the latest medical research into birth to three development.  Without public support, my advocacy will be in vain.  I can use what I will learn about political structures and public policy to direct the research backing my assertions through the proper channels to affect change.

While these goals may not affect the current learners in my classroom now, they have the potential to enable all my future students to come to me in second grade primed to learn.  In that scenario, all of society eventually benefits.  If we all step up and advocate, change is possible.  But we need to learn how to become effective in advocacy.  I am hopeful that this class will set me upon a path in which I can begin to become a competent advocate in time.

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